WARNING: To prevent the risk of high-voltage shock, always follow precisely all warnings and service instructions, including instructions to depower the system. The high-voltage hybrid system utilizes approximately 300 volts DC, provided through high-voltage cables to its components and modules. The high-voltage cables and wiring are identified by orange harness tape or orange wire covering. All high-voltage components are marked with high-voltage warning labels with a high-voltage symbol. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious personal injury or death.
The DCDC is a liquid cooled component that converts high-voltage DC power from the high voltage battery to low-voltage (12 volts) DC power. The DCDC charges the 12-volt battery through the low-voltage battery cables and powers the low-voltage electrical system, this eliminates the need for a conventional engine-driven alternator. The DCDC communicates with other modules over the HS-CAN1. The DCDC is serviceable and located in the engine compartment under the RH headlamp assembly.
Push the lever up or down to operate the windshield wipers.
A - Single wipe.