Ford Explorer: General Service Information / Jacking and Lifting
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
VIN Locator
The VIN is a 17-digit combination of letters and numbers. The VIN is stamped on a metal tab riveted to the instrument panel, top upper left of..
Stay in Neutral Mode
Always put your vehicle in Stay in Neutral mode when
entering an automatic car wash. Failure to do this could result in
vehicle damage not covered by warranty...
Other information:
WARNING: Airbags can kill or injure a child in a child restraint. Never
place a rear-facing child restraint in front of an active airbag. If you must use
a forward-facing child restraint in the front seat, move the seat upon which the
child restraint is installed all the way back...
Note: Occasional brake noise is normal. If a metal-to-metal, continuous
grinding or continuous squeal sound is present, the brake linings may be worn-out
and an authorized dealer should check them. If the vehicle has continuous vibration
or shudder in the steering wheel while braking, an authorized dealer should check
your vehicle...
The front outboard and rear safety restraints in the vehicle are combination
lap and shoulder belts.
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